Capuchino coffee machine is a type of coffee machine that can make cappuccino coffee and can make other similar types of coffee.
Capuchino or cappuccino is an espresso with double the amount of water, with the addition of hot milk and frothed milk. One can also sprinkle more cocoa powder or cinnamon powder for more authentic taste.
The capuchino machine looks pretty much like a regular espresso machine, with only 1 extra container of milk to add after the espresso is complete. The Oscar series is a professional espresso machine, so this machine is often used for making cappuccino thanks to the correlation between these two types of coffee.
Currently, there are many types of cappuccino machines such as oscar machines, Melitta machines, etc. However, the Oscar series is a traditional coffee machine and this machine is used to make powdered coffee, while the Melitta series is a traditional coffee machine. machine line grinds coffee beans and then brews. The Oscar line of traditional coffee machines usually only uses two types of coffee, espresso and cappuccino. The Melitta range of coffee machines can brew a wider range of coffees, with a modern design.
Currently, Vinbarista is providing all kinds of capuchino coffee machines such as:
- The Oscar line has: NS Oscar I coffee machine, NS Oscar II coffee machine.
- The Melitta line we have: MELITTA PASSIONE coffee machine, MELITTA PASSIONE OT coffee machine, MELITTA VARIANZA CSP coffee machine, MELITTA CI coffee machine, MELITTA BARISTA TS coffee machine,… suitable for all market segments, all customer needs.
Capuchino coffee machine is a type of coffee machine that makes a popular type of coffee and suits the taste of many customers. Capuchino machines can also make several other types of coffee with the push of a button. Owning a coffee machine you can save time learning and making coffees and still enjoy regular coffee at home.
Vinbarita is a unit specializing in providing the most prestigious coffee machines today.
The lines of capuchino coffee machines we provide are the leading German and Italian quality machines. We offer the widest range of coffee machines, making the most popular and wonderful coffees. Coffee machines in every price segment are suitable for all customers. Contact us now for advice on buying and using the best coffee machines.