Drinking coffee helps to increase work excitement, prevent obesity, avoid liver damage, prevent degenerative disorders and enhance recovery, lose weight, reduce the risk of diabetes, antioxidant... and many other benefits. other benefits. However, to achieve this desired effect, you must know how to drink coffee properly.
Coffee is a beneficial drink
Coffee and tea are two popular drinks in many countries. To have powdered coffee, people roast the beans of the coffee berries and grind them, today some are processed into water-soluble powder. During the coffee roasting process, a certain amount of water evaporates (about 18%), the sugar in the beans is caramelized, making the coffee beans dark brown, and at the same time, there is a chemical change that makes the coffee taste very good. special, easy to charm.
The euphoric effect of coffee is due to the fact that it contains compounds whose basic component is caffeine, with a content of 0.7-2%, less than that of tea (tea) at 2-3%.

The stimulating effect of caffeine is widely used: in addition to tea, coffee is a common drink, many other soft drinks such as carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks contain caffeine. Caffeine is also used as a medicine, as a component of many cold and pain medicines, to enhance the analgesic effect of paracetamol, aspirin or to reduce the drowsy effect of antihistamines to treat allergies.
Coffee is also considered a beverage with nutritional value, with 12% lipids (fats), 12% proteins (proteins), 4% minerals – the most potassium and magnesium. Mixed with sugar and milk, the nutritional value of Coffee is enhanced.
But let's drink coffee properly
According to Foxnews, scientists have proven that a cup of cold coffee for more than 45 minutes has potential health hazards. 45 minutes is the time it takes for the bacteria and fungi in the cup to start growing. Especially in the cold season, the bacteria flu and fever spread quickly, we should not drink cold coffee.

Do not drink a cup of coffee that has cooled for more than 45 minutes
Some notes when drinking coffee:
- Do not drink coffee in a massively short time but should drink it in an appropriate, moderate dose, every day, for many years.
- Drink coffee on a full stomach to avoid affecting digestion.
Drink some coffee 30 minutes before exercising.
- Limit sugar in coffee (replace with fresh milk if you are afraid of bitterness).
- Drinking hot coffee is better than using cold coffee.
- Using dried coffee is better than ground coffee.
- Choose and use high-quality coffee, pure coffee and coffee with reputable brands.
- Limiting poor quality ground and roasted coffee and marinated with too many substitute ingredients.
La Kim Tien